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I cannot say enough about Elizabeth, Lonnie and the entire Auction Solutions Team. They were able to give advice on how to take our auction to the next level, but at the same time, they took our needs and concerns into consideration and made my vision come to life. As a Special Events Director, having an auction team that you can trust is so essential in making events successful. They truly care about their clients and you can see that from the moment you meet them. They have been our auctioneers the past two years and thankfully they are able to do our 2020 event as well. The crowd responds beautifully to Elizabeth and we received so many compliments on how smooth our auction went and how Elizabeth’s personality made the event fun! They were called to do this line of work and their passion shows. Whether you are buying or selling a house, or needing someone to do an auction, they are the ones I would go too without hesitation. Over the past two years, they have become extended family! Elizabeth already knows this….but her Mom is one of my favorite people!

Sarah Keltner with Center for Courageous Kids

— Sarah Keltner

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